Fighting Against Fictional Freedom During Philippine Independence Anniversary Commemoration in NYC

June 12, 2021, New York – During the 123rd commemoration of Philippine Independence Day, Filipinos in the Philippines, US and all over the world celebrate the nation’s supposed independence from Spanish rule which ended in the late 1890s. On this day, Filipinos come together to celebrate their nation’s moment of freedom. Yet, amidst the ravages of a worldwide pandemic, Philippine freedom remains impeded by present-day foreign influence, this time not by Spain, but by the US and other foreign powers. The chains of poverty and unemployment binding Filipinos are further tightened by political dynasties who benefit most from Filipino subservience. 

While the Philippines is supposed to enjoy a democratic, sovereign status after its declaration of independence from Spain, in reality, it was just turned over from one colonizer to another. For a sum, the Philippines was taken over by the US, utilizing the country’s people and resources, and cementing it as a raw material source with its strategic anti-industrialization policy. For decades, the Philippines could not produce its own hammer and nails, yet it has made other countries rich by providing its natural resources, including human resources, that fuel the various industries here in the US. Filipino domestic, service, and other low-wage workers continue to migrate to the US, pushed by extreme economic needs, and pulled by work opportunities that offer little by way of financial security or even protection for their basic human rights. 

Meanwhile, the Philippines remain mired in poverty, buckling under the weight of the Philippine government’s oppressive governance and extra-judicial killings, while struggling against the growing influence of foreign powers over the current administration and its policies. Not to mention, the lack of financial support to the Filipinos and the dismal inoculation rate that is still at 1% during the Covid-19 crisis. 

While we celebrate our community and what we have survived together in the past year, may this independence day celebration be a reminder and a call to action towards change. As we reel from Covid-19 losses and the Philippine government’s indifference to its people, may the spirit of true, absolute freedom be rekindled in the hearts of our kababayans. We stand up not for a make-believe freedom that fails to hide structural inequalities and the ceaseless oppression of other nations. We speak against the show of pretense that we are standing on our own two feet as we carry the weight of other nations’ progress on our backs. This is our time to live not just our independence, but our right to sovereignty, and a just and compassionate governance. Along with the members of our community, and with Filipinos all around the world, Damayan stands up for true and absolute freedom.